Friday, December 12, 2008

And so it goes

The Buddha said, All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

What I love about Buddhism is the simplicity. I may be Catholic, but I've been reading up a lot lately about Buddhism since I got out here and it's remarkable. I've always been fascinated with the religion, but have never taken the time to study more about it and what better time than now? I'm surrounded by so many different religions, customs, and walks of life...a world of information just waiting for me. It's been especially helpful over the last week or two, as our lives are always changing. The roller coaster of life is always presenting a new curve or hill to face and all we have to do is keep moving forward.

The reason I bring up Buddhism is because it has been helping me understand more about life's purpose and why people do the things they do, me included. For example, Jacob and I were talking again last night about our life and our decision to move out to Singapore. There were so many reasons we moved, but mainly to have a fresh start, a new life of exploration and opportunities that we just couldn't have back at home. Since we've been here, we have not questioned whether or not we made the right decision, not once. Yes, we miss home and so many things about the US, but this is where we belong for now and it becomes more clear with time. I'm not really sure what God's intentions are, but all we can do is take it one day at a time.

In our talk, we once again revisited the subject of materialism that I wrote about before and the importance of money. America is an amazing country, but as with any other part of the world, there are disadvantages to growing up there. If we had never moved to Asia, we never would have considered how little we need "stuff" in our life or how money really isn't all that important. Yes, it's wonderful to have extra money, live comfortably and be able to provide a good life for your children, but even if all you have is "just enough" to get by and pay the necessary expenses, it's enough. I'm just as guilty as the next person for falling into the trap of "keeping up with the Jones'" and caring about how people will judge me by what I have. I don't expect that I will ever be able to fully let go of it, because part of it is the nature of the society I grew up in, but I'm learning how to appreciate what I do have. And there is no price tag for those things, because they can't be bought or sold. My family, my friends, the roof over my head, the opportunities God continues to put in front of me, my supportive and loving husband and my beautiful daughter...those are what I would like people to see when they look at me. People who know my past understand my struggle with "image," so the fact that I'm putting this out there for people to read is a big step in the right direction for once.

On an end note, I keep thinking about what Mother Theresa once said: I know God wouldn't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.

Sometimes, this is exactly how I feel and the reason for why I question God's intentions. But I guess it all just comes down to faith...knowing that when I jump, God's there to catch me.
On another note, life has been just moving along. Jean left this week to return to the Philippines for a few weeks. Juliana got my cold and now we're both sick again. But tomorrow is Jacob's dragon boat races and I am looking forward to it!! Don't worry all, I will be taking plenty of pictures for everyone to see!!!

1 comment:

Oswald Chong said...

Great posting on Buddhism! My dad's a Buddhist/Taoist and my mom's a Catholic, and I'm a Catholic (I followed my mom). In fact, there are many similarities between the philosophies of Buddha and Jesus Christ...... both kept silent for many years before appearing before people to preach.... and both came out with peaceful message in life. We can all learn to live with as little materials as possible in our life, that is the message of Jesus Christ just as much as the message from Buddha. But we have all lost our sanity and grace as we grow older...... good posting again! Definitely looking forward to your photos, esp the dragon boat race!