Monday, December 20, 2010

Juliana's First Haircut

I know I've been on hiatus the last few weeks, but I had lost our camera and to me, it seemed silly to post without pictures! But Alas we decided to buy ourselves a new camera for our Christmas gift and I have been loving it! Just in time too, for Juliana's first haircut. She was really scared the last few times we told her that this would be happening, but this morning Jacob had the perfect words to take away her fear. We went to Snip Its, which does haircuts for only kids and Juliana amazed us!

TO get her comfortable in the chair, the hairdresser blew bubbles for Juliana and then handed them off to Jacob to continue while she wet Juliana's hair.
She was so well behaved and didn't move at all so the hairdresser could get her job done!

Smiling at her daddy...

Once again, Juliana impressed us with her good behavior and patience. She did have a minor meltdown on the way out because she wanted to play with all the toys, but we had a party to go to!

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