Monday, October 11, 2010

It's been a while...

I haven't been getting around to blogging as much as I used to. I guess since we're not living in Singapore, I feel like I don't have as much to say- but really, it's all the same except back in the US!!

We finally moved into "permanent housing" after I spent July at my mom's with Juliana and then the three of us spent August and September in a hotel for a week then a temporary apartment up until our move the third week of September. We're renting for now, to see how we like living in Massachusetts- it's a nice townhouse in Malden, much different than the top two floors of a high rise! For one thing, we don't have people living above and below us, only next to us. It's also nice and quiet at night time since we're in a condo complex off a side road. You wouldn't know we lived in a city, which is great.
Juliana started classes at the Little Gym and it's just the same as it was in Singapore except a different group dynamic. She still impresses me with how adventurous and strong she is, especially on the bars! She has an amazing grip for a little girl and I love going to the classes with her and watching her on the beam and bars. Reminds me of my days as a gymnast :-) We're thinking of enrolling her in dance classes after the holidays since she loves to dance and enjoys copying Angelina Ballerina. She's even taking up prancing around on her toes!

Another new addition to Juliana's life has been preschool three days a week. Day one, I cried, because even though she's been asking to go to school for a while now, she had a rough time being dropped off the first two weeks and although this week was much better, she still got upset when I was on my way out the door. One saving grace is that she has found a favorite teacher, so when we show up, she goes from hugging me to walking over to her with her arms up waiting to be picked up. I hope another week or two will help her adjust to being at school, because it breaks my heart to see her sad when I have to turn around and leave :-(

Other than the move, Jacob's new job and the new additions to Juliana's life, it's been good to be back. I continue to miss a few things about Singapore, but we've been able to spend time with family and friends which is what we missed most about being so far. It's going to be especially nice to see them all for the upcoming holidays, especially for Juliana.

I will try to keep this updated since it's also like a journal for our life and add more pictures as soon as I figure out where the camera disappeared to - Juliana will be three soon, so I better find it before her birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea keep writing..i love reading it!! :)